The singer Jain on her debut album and global influences
You are going to watch an interview made with the French singer Jain, where she mostly talks about her music and other daily life issues.
Firstly, you have to watch the next video once (or twice) and then, you should answer ten questions about it. Such questions will be in multiple-choice style. In the end, you will find feedback with the correct answer for each question.
Remember, you just have to choose one option from three.
1. Jain said that she traveled a lot when she was young, how many years did she live in Abu Dhabi?
2. Where did she write her single “Come”?
3. How did she describe the music video for the song “Come”?
4. What is the nationality of the people who helped her create the music video for the song?
5. Where was recorded the music video for her song “Makeba”?
6. When was released her album?
7. What was her answer when she was asked: "where do you see yourself in five years"?
8. Where was her last show?
9. These were some of the things that she preferred in the part of “lightning round questions”:
10. Almost at the end of the round of lightning questions, Jain had some problems with the understanding of:
Compare your answers with the correct ones and check how many correct answers you had.
The correct answers are:
If you want you can re-watch the video for more practice of her/his accent or move on to the next activity.
LIVE IN LIMBO. (2016, November 14th). Jain on her debut album "Zanaka" and global influences - Toronto Interview 2016 [Video File]. Retrieved from
© Juan Manuel Valverde Soto 2018 / Escuela de Lenguas UJED /
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