Saoirse Ronan on Her Mom - Audio only

You are going to watch a part of the interview made at Jimmy Kimmel’s TV show to the Irish and American actress Saoirse Ronan, where she talks about her experience during one of the most important and prestigious award shows for actors and actresses.


Firstly, you have to watch the next video once (or twice). For this type of activity, you are going to have a list in chronological order of information that Saoirse Ronan will explain during the video. Then, you will have to choose 5 true statements from 7. Mark the 5 with a "tick mark" and the rest (2) with the "cross mark". This is listening to specific events, so pay attention as the information is appearing.

Remember, you will have a list of the information that Saoirse said in the video listed in chronological order and you will have to mark five statements with "tick mark" and two statements with the "cross mark" as information that Saoirse did not mention in the video. In the end, you will have five statements with "tick mark" and two with "cross mark." In the part of "feedback", you will see the correct and incorrect statements.

• During the interview made to Saoirse Ronan the events appeared in the following order:
      1. First, the interviewer asked her if her third nomination to the Oscar felt more exciting than the first time and she answered with a “no,” saying that every time is different.

     2. She told the first anecdote about George Michael when she meets him at the Oscar ceremony.

       3. She said that her first time at the Oscars she was just thirteen years old and that she went with her parents. She also mentioned that they flew over New Zealand because she was shooting a film.

      4. After that, they started talking about the food and drinks that Saoirse ate during the break from the ceremony.

      5. Then, she told a funny anecdote that she lived the first time when she went to the Oscars and was about her mother and George Clooney, who was stepping her mother's dress tail.

      6. After that, she was asked if her second time at the Oscars was “more successful” and she said another anecdote that involved her mother, so the interviewer told her not to invite her a third time.

      7. Finally, she said that her mother is a good plus one and that her mother didn’t embarrass her the first time that she went to the Oscars, because George Clooney was the one responsible for the moment. 

Compare your answers with the correct ones and check how many correct answers you had.

The five correct statements are (that should be marked with a tick):

The sentences that have incorrect information were:

If you want you can re-watch the video for more practice of her/his accent or move on to the next activity.
Jimmy Kimmel Live. (2018, February 24th). Saoirse Ronan on Her Mom, Oscars & Timothée Chalamet [Video File]. Retrieved from

© Juan Manuel Valverde Soto 2018 / Escuela de Lenguas UJED /


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