Knowing more about Saoirse Ronan

The next fun interview was made for the fashion magazine Vogue to the Irish actress Saoirse Ronan, where she had to answer 73 random questions; she said a lot of details of different issues making an interesting and entertaining interview. For this activity, it is important for to you know that you are going to watch just a short part of it, not the entire interview.

Firstly, you have to watch the next video once (or twice). For this type of activity, you are going to have a list in chronological order of information that Saoirse Ronan will explain during the video. Then, you will have to choose 5 true statements from 7. Mark the 5 with a "tick mark" and the rest (2) with the "cross mark". This is listening to specific events, so pay attention as the information is appearing.

Remember, you will have a list of the information that Saoirse said in the video listed in chronological order and you will have to mark five statements with "tick mark" and two statements with the "cross mark" as information that Saoirse did not mention in the video. In the end, you will have five statements with "tick mark" and two with "cross mark." In the part of "feedback", you will see the correct and incorrect statements.

• The most relevant questions and answers appeared in this order:
      1. First, the interview was made in London and she was packing to go to Dublin.

      2. Saoirse told to the interviewer to go to the living room to drink some tea and she said that she loves tea.

      3. She said that the two things that she most treasures are her grandmother’s ring and “Pip” a teddy bear.

      4. Then, the interviewer asked about what was the easiest accent to nail and she answered that generic English and the most difficult was Irish.

      5. After that, she answered that her mandatory breakfast was rye bread, mashed avocado on top, poached egg and spinach.

      6. She then mentioned that, she sometimes prefer coffee instead of tea and that she likes it with milk.

      7. Finally, she explained that her name Saoirse means “freedom” and that her middle name is Una and its meaning is “unity” in Irish. 

Compare your answers with the correct ones and check how many correct answers you had.

The five correct statements are (that should be marked with a tick):

The sentences that have incorrect information were:

If you want you can re-watch the video for more practice of her/his accent or move on to the next activity.
Vogue. (2018, July 11th). 73 Questions With Saoirse Ronan | Vogue [Video File]. Retrieved from

© Juan Manuel Valverde Soto 2018 / Escuela de Lenguas UJED /


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