Introduction to the material
Introduction The following activities were designed to promote the practice of listening comprehension, by using this type of material where you will have the opportunity to be exposed to other English accents. First of all, it is recommended to carry out the activities in order, it means, not choosing them randomly as it was designed in that way for a better experience. This material is yours, so use it to increase your skills whenever you want, you don't have to complete the four exercises at once. Objective The objective is that students from the LeDLI program at Escuela de Lenguas UJED can practice their listening comprehension skills by being exposed to other English accents. Types of activities AccentsELe is conformed by three types of activities, which are; listening for details, listening to specific events, and listening for the main idea. Each type of activity has its way of being carried out. You are going to watch videos that could be the full interv...